Thursday, September 27, 2007

The blanket

When my children were newborns, I would swaddle them tightly in their soft baby blankets. It would always calm them down, and seemed to soothe them. All three of my children had baby blankets that were made especially for them. The baby blanket in the above picture belongs to my oldest. It was given to her 14 1/2 years ago, upon her birth. Her great grandmother on her father's side, lovingly made it for her. It quickly became her favorite. The edges are frayed, and there are a few holes in places where it was loved too much. Just the other day, she was home sick from school. I went into her room to check on her and found her asleep with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her face lying upon it. It was such a precious sight. I stared at her for a few longing moments, wishing she was still that sweet precious newborn that I could swaddle and hold. The blanket seems to come out when she's sick or just feeling blah. In the near future, she'll be yelled at to clean up her room, and the blanket will be put back in the closet until needed again. It is a sweet reminder to me, what a precious gift I have in my oldest daughter, and also how the years are flying by......


At September 27, 2007 at 11:44 AM , Blogger Kathy said...

What sweet words..You are a great mother. Just the other day I stood and watched Rachael sleeping on her baby blanket with her arm wrapped around a stuffed monkey that you gave her for her Level 2 state meet. Maybe I will take a picture of that for my scrapbook.


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