Friday, October 19, 2007


Adams Beach, Taylor County Florida
My sister and I are 2ys & 3mos apart in age, with me being the eldest. Growing up, we fought like crazy, but were very close. We now have children of our own, who are all close in age. We have successfully worked at fostering close relationships between them. The boys are thicker than thieves..."cousin-brothers" is what they named themselves years ago. The two oldest girls are crazy about each other, and I have visions of them being like sisters forever, being in each other's weddings and raising their own children together. The girl twin fits nicely among the whole bunch. The oldest cousin looks out for her and gives her extra special attention and the cousin brothers often include her in their play. This past week, while they were all on Fall Break, we headed to Perry Fla, our home town. We spent several days with the grandparents (my parents). Perry is located in Taylor County on the gulf coast of N. Florida. It's a ritual to go down to the beaches and eat seafood at good ole "Roy's" restaraunt. The beaches are not your typical white sand beaches. They are marshy, swampy and harbor loads of fantastic marine life. My sister and I loved growing up in that area, fishing, crabbing and hanging out with friends and family. Now our kids share the same love. Whenever Pee Pa and Mee Ma can, they load us up and we head to the beach. Our few days in Perry didn't last long enough, but we'll be back many many times. 'Cause being with Pee pa, Mee Ma and the cousins is therapy to the soul!


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