Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another era ends....

When our oldest was about 8 we went through the "hamster" phase. We bought dwarf hamsters, and had lots of baby hamsters. We had cages, hamster toys and supplied all her friends with new furry friends. Eventually they died out and the oldest moved on to hanging with her friends and being too busy to deal with "pets." A few years later, the twins sought out to have hamsters. The husband grimaced "No not again!" But of course, me being the tenderhearted mom that I am, convinced him that we have to let them have one, as we did their older sibling. So, eventually, "Spaz" & "Junior" became new family members. That was about 18 mos ago. Spaz died about a month ago, and Junior died today. It's a ritual that the husband takes the child out to the back yard and they bury the hamster, gold fish or whatever at the time, together. I'm not much on handling dead animals. Well today we arrived home from school to find that Junior was pemanantly asleep. The husband is out of town. Thankfully my sweet son stepped up to the plate. "I can take care of this mom." He and his twin sister went out to the back yard and buried their little pet. Thus ends the era of the hamsters in this house hold. I've been a bit nostalgic lately, realizing that time is flying by, and my children are reaching milestone after milestone. Such as life.... now the bird..... hum....


At October 13, 2007 at 9:48 AM , Blogger SMS said...



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